
Waaaaaaaay too many to count...

My Statement

"Let me emphatically say that I am not anti-Facebook (Fleecebook), anti-smart phone, anti-Microsoft, anti-Apple, anti-Google or anti-Internet. I do believe, though, that the consumer is being ripped off of his privacy, identity and purchase history. We are being herded into a Facebook corner where what we "Like" and where we go physically and on the net will be scrutinized and sold numerous times to actually corrode and erode our culture while tempting us only with convenience, high tech and flashing video screens. The unsuspecting consumers need to be aware..." - Gary Lapman

Quote of Note

“If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.”-W.C. Fields

"For the strength of the Wolf is in the Pack, and the strength of the Pack is in the Wolf." - Rudyard Kipling

"Common sense is not so common. " -Voltaire

“Fame is vapor, popularity an accident, riches take wing, but only character endures.” - Matthew McConaughey

"In order to keep a true perspective of one's importance, everyone should have a dog that will worship him and a cat that will ignore him"

"Sometimes the road less traveled is less traveled for a reason" - Jerry Seinfeld

"Fleecebook is free, you (and your identity) is the product!" - Gary Lapman

"Christmas is a necessity. There has to be at least one day of the year to remind us that we're here for something else besides ourselves." - Eric Sevareid

"'Smart' phones are only smart for the cell phone providers!" - Gary Lapman

"On two occasions, I have been asked [by members of Parliament], 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?' I am not able to rightly apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question." -- Charles Babbage (1791-1871)

“Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. THAT'S relativity.” -Albert Einstein

"Technology creates the illusion of companionship without the intimacy of friendship." - unknown

"No worry, there's an app for that..." - Gary Lapman

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Waiting For Doctors

How long would YOU wait?  I had a friend that would give her doctor fifteen minutes in the waiting room.  If her appointment was not met because the doctor was called to surgery, he was excused.  Otherwise, she would inform the nurse, and leave.  I like the idea of billing the doctor for YOUR time.  Many doctors overbook their time and have no regard for the people waiting.  Others, like in the article, reward their patients for waiting.  Personally, I feel that the doctor should keep his or her appointments realistic.  I have resorted to asking when the doctor usually arrived and made my appointment to coincide with that time.  Some doctors, also, will bill you $50 for not showing up or cancelling the appointment to close to the actual time.  IMHO, this should work in both directions...

Two Southern Belles were sittin' on the porch one hot afternoon.
The first had just returned from a trip to New York. She said to
the second Belle,

"You know, up there in New York, they've got men who kiss men on
the lips."

"Oh dear me!" cried the second Belle. "What do they call those
men?" she questioned.

The first replied, "They call them homosexuals. And did you know,
up there they've got women who kiss women on the private parts?"

"Oh Heavens!" The second gasped. "What on Earth do they call
those women?"

"Why, they call them lesbians. Up there, they also have men who
kiss women on their private parts."

The second belle nearly fell from her chair. "Oh Lawdy! What do
they call those men?"

The first Belle answered, "Well, after I caught my breath, I
called him precious!"

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Perry Would Change The FIeld Drastically

I am utterly amazed that Rick Perry has surpassed (in popularity) all the other Republican candidates except Romney.  Does this indicate that those polled want what Texas provides, such as veritable gun freedom and quick executions? Perry even threatened to secede Texas from the union once, but now he says that he was joking.  I WOULD imagine, though, that Perry would be a more desirable choice, given that he is not Mormon nor a woman.  His minor extremism is apparently not comparable to Bachmann, Palin, Paul, et cetera.

From the "Say What?" file -- true story: I'm taking two classes this semester, one of which is Public Policy. Our professor is an adjunct; nice lady, tries too hard. Anyway, a few weeks ago, we're covering a chapter on environmental politics, and she casts an overhead with facts and figures on some of the more powerful environmental lobbying groups. Among them is the Audubon Society. If you do not know what the Audubon Society is, then stop reading.
So one of the students asks, "What is the Audubon Society?" (Bird watchers, if you ignored my previous instructions.) To which the professor replies:
"I don't know, I think it's a group to protect that road in Germany."
It hits me like a spear. "She did not just say that, did she?" I think to myself. I look up -- and she's serious.
"That's Auto-BAHN, not Audubon!" I reply, only to be drowned out by the chorus of students in the back who are either laughing or yelling, "Birds! Birds!"
"What?" she says.
I reply, "It's a group organized for the protection of birds."
She stays silent for a moment, then responds, "Well, what kind of bird is an audubon, is it a spotted owl or something?"
I swear to God -- true story.

Eight words with two meanings
1. THINGY (thing-ee) n.
Female...Any part under a car's hood.
Male...The strap fastener on a woman's bra.

2. VULNERABLE (vul-ne-ra-bel) adj.
Female...Fully opening up one's self emotionally to another.
Male...Playing with only three defenders.

3. COMMUNICATION (ko-myoo-ni-kay-shon) n.
Female..The open sharing of thoughts and feelings with one's partner.
Male...Leaving a note before going up the pub with the boys.

4. COMMITMENT (ko-mit-ment) n.
Female...A desire to get married and raise a family.
Male...Trying not to hit on other women while out with this one.

5. ENTERTAINMENT (en-ter-tayn-ment) n.
Female...A good movie, concert, play or book.
Male...Anything that can be done while drinking beer.

6. FLATULENCE (flach-u-lens) n.
Female....An embarrassing byproduct of indigestion.
Male...A source of entertainment, self-expression, male bonding.

7 MAKING LOVE (may-king luv) n.
Female..The greatest expression of intimacy a couple can achieve.
Male...Call it whatever you want, just as long as we do it.

8. REMOTE CONTROL (ri-moht kon-trohl) n.
Female...A device for changing from one TV channel to another.
Male...A device for scanning through all 375 channels every 5 minutes.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


So let us suppose that you are valued at BILLIONS of dollars, have a captive audience, a large number of focused advertisers and yet you are still unsatisfied.  Fleecebook is now "crowdsourcing" how to get more users involved in their ads.  So the next time you read what appears to be a story about some family's experiences on vacation, check closely for actual mention of brands that they drank, the brand of gasoline that they bought, the brand of sunscreen that they used on the beach and maybe even the brand of tequila that their margaritas were made with!  They are even soliciting user's opinions!

Children were lined up in the cafeteria of a Catholic school for lunch. At the beginning of the line there was a large pile of apples. A nun had written a note,

"Take only one, God is watching."

At the end of the line there was a large stack of chocolate chip cookies. A boy wrote a note and left it on the cookies that said,

"Take all you want, God is watching the apples."

"Doctor, I have an ear ache."
2000 B.C.- "Here, eat this root."
1000 B.C.- "That root is heathen, say this prayer."
1850 A.D.- "That prayer is superstition, drink this potion."
1940 A.D.- "That potion is snake oil, swallow this pill."
1985 A.D.- "That pill is ineffective, take this antibiotic."
2000 A.D.- "That antibiotic is artificial. Here, eat this root!"

Twelve Steps to Not Thinking
I was a lot like you: carefree, happy and blissful. This was before my life took a tragic turn, a turn which I sense you are on the verge of taking. There is no help for me, unfortunately, but perhaps my story will prevent you from falling into the abyss into which I have been thrown.
It started out innocently enough. I began to think at parties, now and then, just to loosen up. Inevitably, though, one thought led to another, and soon I was more than just a social thinker. I began to think alone. To relax, I told myself, even though I knew it wasn't true. Thinking became more and more important to me, and finally, I was thinking all the time.
I began to think on the job. I knew that thinking and employment don't mix, but I couldn't stop myself. I began to avoid friends at lunchtime so I could read Kafka and Thoreau. I would return to the office dizzied and confused, asking, "What IS it exactly we are doing here?".
Things weren't going so great at home, either. One evening I had turned off the TV, and asked my wife "What is the meaning of life?". She spent the night at her mother's.
I soon had a reputation as a heavy thinker. One day, the boss called me in and said "Greg, I like you and it hurts me to say this, but your thinking has become a real problem. If you don't stop thinking on the job, you'll have to find another job". This gave me a lot to think about!
I came home early after my conversation with the boss.
"Honey," I confessed, "I've been thinking".
"I know you've been thinking," she said, "and I want a divorce."
"But honey, surely it's not that serious!"
"It is serious", she said, her lower lip quivering. "You think as much as college professors, and college professors don't make any money. So if you keep thinking, we won't have any money!"
"That's a faulty syllogism!" I said impatiently, and she began to cry.
I'd had enough. "I'm going to the library", I snarled, and stomped out the door. I headed out to the library in the mood for some Nitzche and NPR on the radio. I roared into the parking lot and ran up to the big glass doors.
They didn't open. The library was closed! To this day, I believe a higher power was looking out for me that night. As I sank to the ground, clawing at the unfeeling glass, whimpering for Zarathrustra, a poster caught my eye.
"Friend, is heavy thinking ruining your life?" it asked. You probably recognize that line. It comes from the standard Thinkers Anonymous poster. Which is why I am what I am today: a recovering thinker.
I never miss a TA meeting. At each meeting we watch a non-educational video; last week it was "Porky's". Then we share experiences about how we avoided thinking since the last meeting. I still have my job and things are a lot better at home. Life just seems...easier, somehow, as soon as I stop thinking.

Monday, June 27, 2011

A Simpler Life...

Ever wonder what a simpler lifestyle would bring?  Would we like to return to the 50s when you could trust your neighbor and your kids could walk to school without fear.  How can we get there and still have some of the benefits of today's technologies?  It means that you have to "downshift" to a lifestyle where you don't expect or depend on material things that you REALLY don't need.  It probably means moving to another neighborhood, town or even state to accomplish it completely.  It would or could be a SWEET escape! Imagine moving to a Donna Reed or "Leave it to Beaver" neighborhood, having an 8-5 job AND being able to afford a nice lifestyle without today's stresses...Here are 72 ideas to a simpler life....


An angel of truth and a dream of fiction,
a woman is a bundle of contradiction.

She's afraid of a wasp, will scream at a mouse,
but will tackle her boyfriend alone in the house.

Sour as vinegar, sweet as a rose,
she'll kiss you one minute, then turn up her nose.

She'll win you in range, enchant you in silk,
she'll be stronger than brandy, milder than milk.

At times she'll be vengeful, merry and sad,
she'll hate you like poison, and love you like mad.



A newly married man asked his wife, 'Would you have married me if my father hadn't left me a fortune?'

'Honey,' the woman replied sweetly, 'I'd have married you, NO MATTER WHO LEFT YOU A FORTUNE!'  

A woman walked into the pharmacy... and asked for a vibrator.

The pharmacist gestured with his index finger and said, "Come this way."

The woman replied, "If I could come that way, I wouldn't need a vibrator!" 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Have you been scored ?

Last evening we went to see the Green Lantern movie.  While the critics were not nice to it in their reviews, I thought it fulfilled the requirements of a comic book movie rather well.  I do think, though, that maybe with twenty minutes more, the character could have revealed their backgrounds a bit more.  Also, for the 3D portion of the viewing; I thought it was extremely overrated and unnecessary.

Everybody that currently has any kind of credit is issued a credit score.  This not only affects what additional credit you can get, but what the interest rate is.  Imagine a world where everyone gets a social influence score and it could affect what job you get, whether you get a promotion or even if you get bumped to first class on a plane.  This is the metamorphosis that we are going through right now and soon won't be able to scratch our own butt unless we have an acceptable score!  Don't fall prey to the smart phone or social network buzz.  REMEMBER they are only smart phones for the cell carriers because they can sell the data that they extract PLUS the user pays them for the conveniences that the phone provides while the extraction process is ongoing....

You be the Judge:These are actual comments made by South Carolina Troopers that were taken off their car videos:

1. "You know, stop lights don't come any redder than the one you just went through."

2. "Relax, the handcuffs are tight because they're new. They'll stretch after you wear them a while."

3. "If you take your hands off the car, I'll make your birth certificate a worthless document."

4. "If you run, you'll only go to jail tired." (My Favorite!)

5. "Can you run faster than 1200 feet per second? Because that's the speed of the bullet that'll be chasing you." (LOVE IT)

6. "You don't know how fast you were going? I guess that means I can write anything I want to on the ticket, huh?"

7. "Yes, sir, you can talk to the shift supervisor, but I don't think it will help. Oh, did I mention that I'm the shift supervisor?"

8. "Warning! You want a warning? O.K, I'm warning you not to do that again or I'll give you another ticket."

9. "The answer to this last question will determine whether you are drunk or not. Was Mickey Mouse a cat or a dog?"

10. "Fair? You want me to be fair? Listen, fair is a place where you go to ride on rides, eat cotton candy and corn dogs and step in monkey poop."

11. "Yeah, we have a quota. Two more tickets and my wife gets a toaster oven."

12. "In God we trust; all others we run through NCIC." (National Crime Information Center)

13. "Just how big were those 'two beers' you say you had?"

14. "No sir, we don't have quotas anymore. We used to, but now we're allowed to write as many tickets as we can."

15. "I'm glad to hear that the Chief (of Police) is a personal friend of yours. So you know someone who can post your bail."


16. "You didn't think we give pretty women tickets? You're right, we don't. Sign here."

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Zuck Continues Sweating...

The Winklevoss Twins are at it again, this time filing yet another suit against their heretofore cash-cow, Fleecebook.  I'm sure that Zuck is surprised and sweating again- GREAT!


10. He can open your blouse by himself.

9. While suckling at one breast, he caresses the other.

8. He has developed a bad habit of flicking his tongue.

7. He keeps slipping dollar bills in your belt.

6. He uses your milk as creamer for his coffee.

5. Your birth control pills interfere with his acne medicine.

4. After each feeding, he has a smoke.

3. He frequently invites his friends over for dinner.

2. You feel an uncontrollable urge to listen to Dueling Banjos.

1. Beard abrasions on aureola.

An Alberta cowboy walked into a drug store in Vancouver and asked to talk to a male pharmacist. The woman he was talking to said that she was the only pharmacist and as she and her sister owned the store, there were no males employed there. She then asked if she could help him.

The cowpoke said that it was something that he would be much more comfortable discussing with a male pharmacist.

The female pharmacist assured him that she was completely professional, and whatever it was that he needed to discuss, he could be confident that she would treat him with the highest level of professionalism.

The cowboy then agreed and began by saying, “This is tough for me to discuss, but I have a, uh, permanent erection. It causes me a lot of problems, and severe embarrassment, and I was wondering what you could give me for it.”

The pharmacist said, “Just a minute, I'll talk to my sister.”

When she returned, she said, “We discussed it at length, and the absolute best we can do is as follows:

-1/3 ownership in the store
-A company pickup truck
-Two home cooked dinners a week
-And $3,000 a month in living expenses.” 

Friday, June 24, 2011

Feds Looking in the Wrong Place

Looks like the Feds are going after Google for illegal business practices.  This should be very interesting.  I wonder when they will get to Apple and Fleecebook!

Isn't it amazing that Kim Kardashian had to get her butt x-rayed to prove that it is real.  Gimme a break- how do we know that they are her x-rays ? 

I'm sure glad it is Friday (poker night) as this has been a very busy week.  I hope everyone has a great weekend....

A guy goes to see a shrink...
He says, doctor my wife is unfaithful to me, Every evening she goes to Larry's Bar and picks up men. In fact she sleeps with any guy that asks her, She's driving me crazy, what should I do?

Relax, says the doctor, take a deep breath and calm down!

Now, Tell me exactly where Larry's Bar is.


A woman was sipping on a glass of wine, while sitting on the patio with her husband, and she says, "I love you so much, I don't know how I could ever live without you".

Her husband asks, "Is that you, or the wine talking"?

She replies, "It's me...talking to the wine". 


Her Diary:
Tonight, I thought my husband was acting weird. We had made plans to meet at a nice restaurant for dinner. I was shopping with my friends all day long, so I thought he was upset at the fact that I was a bit late, but he made no comment on it. Conversation wasn't flowing, so I suggested that we go somewhere quiet so we could talk. He agreed, but he didn't say much. I asked him what was wrong; He said, 'Nothing.' I asked him if it was my fault that he was upset. He said he wasn't upset, that it had nothing to do with me, and not to worry about it. On the way home, I told him that I loved him. He smiled slightly, and kept driving. I can't explain his behavior I don't know why he didn't say, 'I love you, too.' When we got home, I felt as if I had lost him completely, as if he wanted nothing to do with me anymore. He just sat there quietly, and watched TV. He continued to seem distant and absent. Finally, with silence all around us, I decided to go to bed. About 15 minutes later, he came to bed. But I still felt that he was distracted, and his thoughts were somewhere else. He fell asleep - I cried. I don't know what to do. I'm almost sure that his thoughts are with someone else. My life is a disaster.

His Diary:
Boat wouldn't start, can't figure out why. 

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Popcorn Brain....

Funny how money has a way of changing one's mind.  The Winklevoss twins have decided to drop their previously unsuccessful suit, take the money and run.  I could see how that kind of an ongoing suit could devour your lives.  While they are more than likely due much more- and it was nice seeing Zuck sweat, it is the best for all that they move on...

So we find out that Huguette Clark did (?) have a will that was filed in 2005.  Given that the will is not contested (which is highly a likely scenario because of the large amount of money and the "cloud of suspicion over her attorney's operations"), the Bellosgardo Estate will become a museum of fine arts.  Give how difficult it is to do ANYTHING in the city of Santa Barbara, I wonder whether her estate will become a museum in my lifetime ?

The paradigms are about to change again.  I have been dragging my feet, continuing to get cable and hoping that the content vendors on the web would settle into a few bigger players before I jump in the fray.  Now I see that (for some unknown reason) Hulu is putting themselves up for sale!  Is it possible that their rapid growth has forced them to lose control of their business?  I cannot come up with a good reason.  Meanwhile, as long as the rate of change is so rapid, it will take a bit more to get me to accept change.  Now, Hulu has recently been put into a between-a-rock-and-hard-place situation with the content providers.  They will want AUTHENTICATION to occur.  This means that in order to watch a show immediately following it's broadcast, you'd have to authenticate that you are a cable or dish subscriber- otherwise the wait would be eight days!  The cable/dish people are putting the squeeze on to retain as many subscribers as possible.  So why would I want to do that ?  I could just record the shows on my DVR and never use Hulu- or I could give up my apron strings to cable/dish and just watch shows shifted to the right by eight days.  I haven't figured out their ploy.  It just doesn't add up.  The only REAL factor that they have going for them is that people hate commitment to a radical change.  This will cause most subscribers to react like I am, and drag their feet... and continue to overpay...

Would you rather check to see if you have an email- or go enjoy an outside activity?  Do you sleep with your smart phone? Do you carry it around with you in your hand so that you will be able to react to a call or text immediately? Do you feel anxious or bored and believe that you can be "satisfied" by going on the web?  This is an ADDICTION! You may have "Popcorn Brain"!  Here are some facts to see if you really do have popcorn brain and some suggestions on how to cope with it....

Two women that are dog owners are arguing about which dog is smarter.... First Woman : "My dog is so smart, every morning he waits for the paper boy to come around and then he takes the newspaper and brings it to me.
Second Woman : "I know..." First Woman : "How?" Second Woman : "My dog told me."

Notes from the Edge of Life
Dear Noah,
We could have sworn you said the ark wasn't leaving till 5.

Dear Twilight fans,
Please realize that because vampires are dead and have no blood pumping through them, they can never get an erection. Enjoy fantasizing about that.

Dear Icebergs,
Sorry to hear about the global warming. Karma's a bitch.
The Titanic

Dear America ,
You produced Miley Cyrus. Bieber is your punishment.

Dear Yahoo,
I've never heard anyone say, "I don't know, let's Yahoo! it..." just saying...

Dear 2010,
So I hear the best rapper is white and the president is black? WTF happened?!

Dear girls who have been dumped,
There are plenty of fish in the sea... Just kidding! They're all dead.

Dear Saturn,
I liked it, so I put a ring on it.

Dear jf;ldsfa/kvsmmklnn,
Please lknvfdmv.xvn.
Stevie Wonder

Dear Skin-Colored Band Aids,
Please make one for every skin color.
Black people

Dear Scissors,
I feel your pain.....no one wants to run with me either.
Sarah Palin

Dear Osama Bin Laden,
United States

Dear World of Warcraft,
Thank you for ensuring my son's virginity.
Parents Everywhere

Dear Batman,
What was your power again?

Dear Customers,
Yes, we ARE making fun of you in Vietnamese.
Nail Salon Ladies

Dear Ugly People,
You're welcome.

Dear World,
Please stop freaking out about 2012. Our calendars end there because some Spanish d-bags invaded our country and we got a little busy ok?
The Mayans

Dear White People,
Don't you just hate immigrants?
Native Americans

Dear iPhone,
Please stop spell checking all of my rude words into nice words. You piece of shut. Sincerely,
Every iPhone User

Dear Trash,
At least you get picked up...
The Girls of Jersey Shore

Dear Man,
It's cute, but can you pick up peanuts with it?

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Prince!

A Big Step Too Far: Apple has implemented a remote kill switch for the iPhone.  Is this a preemptive attempt against free speech?  The intent was to prevent users from recording or photographing at events where this is prohibited.  That SOUNDS innocent, but what stops this technology from proceeding to be used during civil demonstrations such as those in the Middle East?  While this is only another cog in the wheel towards total control of our "voices", hopefully good sense will implore them not to implement this conflict with our rights.  This is in the same vein as making helmets REQUIRED by motorcycle riders.  Too many laws.  Let common sense prevail and the stupid quotient will take care of themselves.
"What makes Facebook so desirable from the perspective of advertisers is that they are able to accumulate information on their users like nobody else. And the funny thing is the people, the users don’t really view it as data. It’s themselves, it’s their information, it’s their lives that they’re putting on there, but as far as advertisers are concerned it is the Holy Grail of data."  Zuck was called "The Prince" when he was growing up.  This and much more are revealed in his "plan" to take over the world ...

For those of you that have ever wondered about "engineers": (turn on sound)

And for the meaning of life...

Top Ten Things You'll Never Hear a Dad Say

10. Well, how 'bout that?... I'm lost! Looks like we'll have to stop and ask for directions.

9. You know Pumpkin, now that you're thirteen, you'll be ready for unchaperoned car dates. Won't that be fun?

8. I noticed that all your friends have a certain "up yours" attitude ... I like that.

7. Here's a credit card and the keys to my new car -- GO CRAZY.

6. What do you mean you wanna play football? Figure skating not good enough for you, son?

5. Your Mother and I are going away for the weekend ... you might want to consider throwing a party.

4. Well, I don't know what's wrong with your car. Probably one of those doo-hickey thingies -- you know -- that makes it run or something. Just have it towed to a mechanic and pay whatever he asks.

3. No son of mine is going to live under this roof without an earring -- now quit your belly-aching, and let's go to the mall.

2. Whaddya wanna go and get a job for? I make plenty of money for you to spend.

1. Father's Day? aahh -- don't worry about that -- it's no big deal.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Another Bat Chain Puller

Another Bat Chain Puller jumps into the ring.  Jon Huntsman (that was separated at birth from Mitt Romney) has decided that he has a better chance to become president.  SO why would I vote for Jon over Mitt- got me why I would vote for either.  Neither of them will carry enough Mormon votes to make a difference AND everyone else is too scared to vote for a Mormon. There you have it- an independent view on the former "G"OP candidates, Jon and Mitt.

Can't you just wait for a skewer of  fried cicadas for dinner ?  A restaurant in Columbia, Missouri is now serving them.  Here are sixteen ways to eat cicadas, OR NOT!  IMHO, I would sooner become a vegetarian....

My daughter just walked into the living room and said,"Dad, cancel my allowance immediately, rent my room out, throw all my clothes out of the window, take my TV, and stereo, and iPhone, and iPod, and my laptop.
Please take all of my jewelry to the Salvation Army or Cash Converters. Then sell my new car, take my front door key away from me and throw me out of the house. Then disown me and never talk to me again. And don't forget to write me out of your will and leave my share to my brother.

Well, she didn't put it quite like that... she actually said...

"Dad this is my new boyfriend, Mohammed." 

Two bowling teams, one of all Blondes and one of all Brunettes, charter a double-Decker bus for a weekend trip to Louisiana .

The Brunette team rode on the bottom of the bus, and the Blonde team rode on the top level.

The Brunette team down below really whooped it up, having a great time, when one of them realized she hadn't heard anything from the Blondes upstairs. She decided to go up and investigate.. When the Brunette reached the top, she found all the Blondes in fear, staring straight ahead at the road, clutching the seats in front of them with white knuckles.. The brunette asked, 'What the heck's going on up here? We're having a great time downstairs!'

One of the Blondes looked up at her, swallowed hard and whispered... 'YEAH, BUT YOU'VE GOT A DRIVER! 

Things You Should Know
1. Never take a sleeping pill and a laxative at the same time.

2. If you had to identify, in one word, the reason why the human race has not achieved, and never will achieve, its full potential, that word would be "meetings."

3. There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."

4. People who want to share their religious views with you almost never want you to share yours with them.

5. You should not confuse your career with your life.

6. No matter what happens, somebody will find a way to take it too seriously.

7. When trouble arises and things look bad, there is always one person who perceives a solution and is willing to take command. Very often, that person is crazy.

8. Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance.

9. A person who is nice to you, but rude to the waiter, is not a nice person.

10. Take out the fortune before you eat the cookie.

11. The one thing that unites all human beings, regardless of age, gender, religion, economic status or ethnic background, is that, deep down inside, we ALL believe that we are above-average drivers.

12. You should never say anything to a woman that even remotely suggests that you think she's pregnant unless you can see an actual baby emerging from her at that moment.

13. Your friends love you anyway!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Fleecebook is Boring

Yesterday was a very busy day and I was not near my computer to make an entry....  I was treated to visits of my old haunts in San Luis Obispo and Avila Beach.  On the way, we stopped at Ellen's Pancakes in Buellton.  This has got to be one of the best diners that I've ever been to- and it has a Danish twist, to boot. 
Moving up the coast to SLO is like going back to the early seventies when I went to Cal Poly.  The downtown has been renewed with many small malls and some major national chain stores.  It is still sleepy and retains much of its charm [like the famous gum wall].  I still wish there was some industry there so I could have stayed.  We drove through See Canyon on the way to Avila Barn for roasted corn, sandwiches on homemade bread and, of course, homemade pie.  This time we bought cherry- and it was scrumptious.  Later, we proceeded to Avila Beach.  It was very picturesque, but unfortunately, pretty windy.
The plan was to return back to SB and go to Brophy's for dinner, but we were all so tired that we only made it to Hollister Brewing Company, a few blocks away.  All in all, I had a good time sharing some of my favorite places with my family.

People are beginning to wake up and realize that Fleecebook is boring.  It is not new anymore and it is a time sink.  The habit of many are changing, for the better.  It has its place, but not as a replacement- ONLY in addition to real interaction.

First laughs
A baby first laughs at the age of four weeks. By that time his eyes focus well enough to see you clearly. 

While flying from Denver to Kansas City, Kansas, my mother was sitting across the aisle from a woman and her eight-year-old
son. Mom couldn't help laughing as they neared their destination and she heard the mother say to the boy, "Now remember -- run to Dad first, then the dog.

Nine-year-old Aaron came home from the playground with a bloody nose, black eye, and torn clothing.

It was obvious he'd been in a bad fight and lost.

While his father was patching him up, he asked his son what happened.

"Well, Dad," said Aaron, "I challenged Larry to a duel. And, you know, I gave him his choice of weapons."

"Uh-huh," said the father, "that seems fair."

"I know, but I never thought he'd choose his sister!"

When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much he had learned in seven years. ~Mark Twain, "Old Times on the Mississippi" Atlantic Monthly, 1874

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Ohio Gene Pool Cleansing...

This might be a good idea:  Let's clean out the gene pool at the watering hole...  Ohio is set to allow concealed weapons in bars and restaurants!  One thing for sure, the service will get better!

Isn't it amazing how uncooperative that the banks that we saved won't help stave off foreclosures that they were instrumental in allowing to occur ?  Thank goodness we save them from certain disaster.  The gubmint should have save the people and let the banks fail.

Have you ever wondered who first uttered the phrase:
"You Gotta Be Shittin Me?"
Well, it just so happens to have originated through the Father of the United States, way back when George Washington was crossing the Delaware river with his troops.
There were 33 (remember this number) in Washington's boat. It was
extremely dark and storming furiously and the water was tossing them about.
Finally, Washington grabbed Corporal Peters (remember this name) and stationed him at the front of the boat with a lantern. He ordered him to keep swinging it, so they could see where they were heading. Corporal Peters, through driving rain and cold, continued swinging the lantern back and forth, back and forth.
Then a big gust of wind and a wave hit and threw Corporal Peters and his lantern into the Delaware. Washington and his troops searched for nearly an hour trying to find Corporal Peters, but to no avail. All of them felt terrible, for the Corporal had been one of their favorites. Sometime later, Washington and his troops landed on the other side, wet and totally exhausted. He rallied the troops and told them that they must go on. Another hour later, one of his men said, 'General, I see lights ahead.'
They trudged toward the lights and came upon a huge house.
What they didn't know was that this was a house of ill repute, hidden in the forest to serve all who came.
General Washington pounded on the door, his men crowding around him. The door swung open, and much to his surprise stood a beautiful woman.
A huge smile came across her face, to see so many men standing there. Washington was the first to speak, 'Madam, I am General George Washington and these are my men. We are tired, wet, exhausted, and desperately need warmth and comfort.' Again, the Madam looked at all the men standing there, and with a broad
smile on her face, said, 'Well, General, you have come to the right place. We can surely give you warmth and comfort. How many men do you have?' Washington replied, 'Well, Madam, there are 32 of us without Peters ...'

I had to look up "paraprosdokian". Here is the definition:
"Figure of speech in which the latter part of a sentence or phrase is surprising or unexpected; frequently used
in a humorous situation." Where there's a will, I want to be in it," is a type of paraprosdokian. Ok, so now enjoy!

1. Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

2. The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it's still on my list.

3. Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

4. If I agreed with you, we'd both be wrong.

5. We never really grow up, we only learn how to act in public.

6. War does not determine who is right - only who is left.

7. Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

8. Evening news is where they begin with 'Good Evening,' and then proceed to tell you why it isn't.

9. To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is research.

10. When tempted to fight fire with fire, remember that the Fire Department usually uses water.

11. I thought I wanted a career. Turns out I just wanted paychecks.

12. Whenever I fill out an application, in the part that says, 'In case of emergency, notify:' I put 'DOCTOR.'

13. I didn't say it was your fault, I said I was blaming you.

14. Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut and still think they are sexy.

15. Behind every successful man is his woman. Behind the fall of a successful man is usually another woman.

16. A clear conscience is the sign of a fuzzy memory.

17. I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn't work that way. So I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness.

18. You do not need a parachute to skydive. You only need a parachute to skydive twice.

19. Money can't buy happiness, but it sure makes misery easier to live with.

20. There's a fine line between cuddling and holding someone down so they can't get away.

21. I used to be indecisive. Now I'm not so sure.

22. You're never too old to learn something stupid.

23. To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first and call whatever you hit the target.

24. Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

25. Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.

26. Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a mechanic.

27. A diplomat is someone who tells you to go to hell in such a way that you look forward to the trip.

28.Hospitality is making your guests feel at home even when you wish they were.

29. I always take life with a grain of salt. Plus a slice of lemon, and a shot of tequila.

"Those who say it cannot be done should not stop those who are doing it." -The Roman Law

And the Madam said, 'You gotta be shittin me.'

Friday, June 17, 2011

Long Live Harry Potter

We all thought that the Harry Potter story end with the last behemoth book and the second half of the movie about the same.  Having millions of fans and all that money to make, perhaps J.K. Rowling is having second and even third thought about continuing the saga with another generation of Potters.  Here is a site she had created AND she revealed the preview.....
Finally, someone has come up with a tool to manage the results of searches for your own name.  Google announced "Me on the Web".  Hopefully it will do what it says....

Manure... An interesting fact

Manure : In the 16th and 17th centuries, everything had to be transported by ship and it was also before the invention of commercial fertilizers, so large shipments of manure were quite common. It was shipped dry, because in dry form it weighed a lot less than when wet, but once water (at sea) hit it, not only did it become heavier, but the process of fermentation began again, of which a by product is methane gas of course.. As the stuff was stored below decks in bundles you can see what could (and did) happen. Methane began to build up below decks and the first time someone came below at night with a lantern, BOOM!
Several ships were destroyed in this manner before it was determined just what was happening
After that, the bundles of manure were always stamped with the instruction ' Stow high in transit ' on them, which meant for the sailors to stow it high enough off the lower decks so that any water that came into the hold would not touch this volatile cargo and start the production of methane.
Thus evolved the term ' S.H.I.T ' , (Stow High In Transit) which has come down through the centuries and is in use to this very day.
You probably did not know the true history of this word.
Neither did I.
I had always thought it was a golf term.

"I learned something the other day. I learned that Jehovah's Witnesses do not celebrate Halloween. I guess they don't like strangers going up to their door and annoying them."
- Bruce Clark

A good reminder for all of us:
“In the world of hi-tech gadgetry, I've noticed that more and more people who send text messages and emails have long forgotten the art of capitalization.. For those of you who fall into this category, please take note of the following statement.

Capitalization is the difference between helping your Uncle Jack off a horse, and helping your uncle jack off a horse..”

Sometimes, we try too hard to get to the greener grass and in the process, we end up in trouble...
And when you find yourself in trouble and you're stuck in a situation that you can't get out of, there is one thing you should always remember...

Not everyone who shows up...is there to help you !!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Hum

Hold on to your hat.... the "Hum" has returned- and still nobody knows what is causing it!  [Soon Sarah Palin will take credit!!] 

I guess the fat lady has not yet sung with regards to the Winklevoss Twins' suit against Zuck for ripping off the Fleecebook idea.  It will probably have to be reviewed by the Supreme Court, if they will.  I'm not sure what other avenues they have....

"I think we should all treat each other like Christians. I, however, will not be responsible for the consequences."
- George Carlin

A couple preparing for a religious conversion meets with the orthodox rabbi for their final session.

The rabbi asks if they have any final questions.

The man asks, "Is it true that men and women don't dance together?"

"Yes," says the rabbi, "For modesty reasons, men and women dance separately."

"So I can't dance with my own wife?"


"Well, okay," says the man, "but what about sex?"

"Fine," says the rabbi. "A mitzvah within the marriage!"

"What about different positions?" the man asks.

"No problem," says the rabbi.

"Woman on top?" the man asks.

"Why not?" replies the rabbi.

"How about doggie-style?"

"Of course!"

"Well, what about standing up?"

"NO!" says the rabbi....

"Why Not???" asks the man.

"Could lead to dancing!"

A lady goes to the bar on a cruise ship and orders a Scotch with two drops of water. As the bartender gives her the drink she says, 'I'm on this cruise to celebrate my 80th birthday and it's today..'
The bartender says, 'Well, since it's your birthday, I'll buy you a drink. In fact, this one is on me.'
As the woman finishes her drink, the woman to her right says, 'I would like to buy you a drink, too.'
The old woman says, 'Thank you. Bartender, I want a Scotch with two drops of water.'
'Coming up,' says the bartender.
As she finishes that drink, the man to her left says, 'I would like to buy you one, too.'
The old woman says, 'Thank you. Bartender, I want another Scotch with two drops of water.'
'Coming right up,' the bartender says.
As he gives her the drink, he says, 'Ma'am, I'm dying of curiosity. Why the Scotch with only two drops of water?'
The old woman replies, 'Sonny, when you're my age, you've learned how to hold your liquor. Holding your water, however, is a whole other issue.' 

I wondered why the Frisbee was getting bigger, and then it hit me.

Those that forget the pasta are doomed to reheat it.

Take everything in moderation. Including moderation.

There are two rules for success: 1.) Don't tell all you know.

Some days it's not worth chewing through the straps.

Do not follow, for I may not lead. Do not lead, for I may not follow. Just go over there somewhere, please?

Never go to bed angry, stay awake and plot your revenge.

If at first you don't succeed, try left field.

When at the window at the unemployment office, loudly say, "I didn't get to where I am today by listening to people like you!" (thanks to Adam Cochran)

Sacred cows make the best hamburgers.

I got some new underwear yesterday. Well, it was new to me.

If #2 pencils are the most popular, are they still #2?

I used to be a lifeguard, but some blue kid got me fired.

I live in California, and my watch is three hours fast, I can't fix it, so I'm moving to New York.

I don't want buns of steel. I want buns of cinnamon.

Ask to see my tattoo of a rose, but don't ask outside. I'm constantly bothered by bees.
Some people have skeletons in their closet. I have a whole graveyard!

I bet you I could stop gambling.

I think I'm agnostic, but I haven't decided.

I can't get enough minimalism. (thanks to Mark)

I was born to be a pessimist. My blood type is B Negative.

Do ten millipedes equal one centipede?

A liberal is just a conservative that hasn't been mugged yet.

Once we had Clinton, Johnny Cash and Bob Hope. Now we have Bush, no Cash and no Hope.

If Helen Keller had ESP, would you say she had a fourth sense?

The best contraceptive for old people is nudity.

Have you been to Wal-Mart lately? You have to be 300 pounds to get the automatic doors to open.

I've been on so many blind dates, I should get a free dog. 

A Few Rules of Life
1. Gardening Rule: When weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it. If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant.
2. The easiest way to find something lost around the house is to buy a replacement.
3. Never take life too seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.
4. There are two kinds of pedestrians -- the quick and the dead.
5. Life is sexually transmitted.
6. An unbreakable toy is useful for breaking other toys.
7. If quitters never win, and winners never quit, then who is the fool who said, "Quit while you're ahead?"
8. Health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.
9. The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth.
10. You can still get the last word in: Apologize.
11. Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day; teach that person to use a computer and they won't bother you for weeks.
12. Some people are like Slinkies . . . they are not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.
13. Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, dying for no apparent reason.
14. Have you noticed since everyone has a camcorder these days no one talks about seeing UFOs like they use to?
15. Whenever I feel blue, I start breathing again.
16. All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.
17. Why does a slight tax increase cost you two hundred dollars and a substantial tax cut saves you thirty cents?
18. In the 60's, people took LSD to make the world weird. Now the world is weird and people take Prozac to make it normal.
19. Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first.
20. How is it one careless match can start a forest fire, but it takes a whole box to start a campfire? 

Two Cows
You have two cows. Your neighbor has none. You feel guilty for being successful. Barbara Streisand sings for you.

You have two cows. Your neighbor has none. So?

You have two cows. The government takes one and gives it to your neighbor. You form a cooperative to tell him how to manage his cow.

You have two cows. The government seizes both and provides you with milk. You wait in line for hours to get it. It is expensive and sour.

You have two cows. You sell one, buy a bull, and build a herd of cows.

You have two cows. The government taxes you to the point you have to sell both to support a man in a foreign country who has only one cow, which was a gift from your government.

You have two cows. The government takes them both, shoots one, milks the other, pays you for the milk, and then pours the milk down the drain. 

You have two cows. You sell one, lease it back to yourself and do an IPO on the 2nd one. You force the two cows to produce the milk of four cows. You are surprised when one cow drops dead. You spin an announcement to the analysts stating you have down sized and are reducing expenses. Your stock goes up.

You have two cows. You go on strike because you want three cows. You go to lunch and drink wine.
Life is good.

You have two cows. You redesign them so they are one tenth the size of an ordinary cow and produce twenty times the milk. They learn to travel on unbelievably crowded trains. Most are at the top of their class at cow school.

You have two cows. You engineer them so they are all blond, drink lots of beer, give excellent quality milk, and run a hundred miles an hour. Unfortunately they also demand 13 weeks of vacation per year.

You have two cows but you don't know where they are. While ambling around, you see a beautiful woman.
You break for lunch. Life is good.

You have two cows. You have some vodka. You count them and learn you have five cows. You have some more vodka. You count them again and learn you have 42 cows. The Mafia shows up and takes over however many cows you really have.

You have all the cows in Afghanistan, which are two. You don't milk them because you cannot touch any creature's private parts. Then you kill them and claim a US bomb blew them up while they were in the hospital.

You have two cows. They go into hiding. They send radio tapes of their mooing.

You have two bulls. Employees are regularly maimed and killed attempting to milk them.  

You have a black cow and a brown cow. Everyone votes for the best looking one. Some of the people who like the brown one best, vote for the black one. Some people vote for both. Some people vote for neither. Some people can't figure out how to vote at all. Finally, a bunch of guys from out-of-state tell you which is the best looking cow.

You have a cow and a bull. The bull is depressed. It has spent its life living a lie. It goes away for two weeks.
It comes back after a taxpayer-paid sex-change operation. You now have two cows. One makes milk; the other doesn't. You try to sell the transgender cow. Its lawyer sues you for discrimination.
You lose in court. You sell the milk-generating cow to pay the damages. You now have one rich, transgender, non-milk-producing cow. You change your business to beef. PETA pickets your farm.
Jesse Jackson makes a speech in your driveway. Cruz Bustamante calls for higher farm taxes to help "working cows". Hillary Clinton calls for the nationalization of 1/7 of your farm "for the children". Gray Davis signs a law giving your farm to Mexico. The L.A. Times quotes five anonymous cows claiming you groped their teats.
You declare bankruptcy and shut down all operations. The cow starves to death. The L.A. Times' analysis shows your business failure is Bush's fault.