Funny, even though the Vette has been advertised for sale for over a month, and there has been lot's of interest, the first person to come and view it is coming next Saturday. I hope that he is really interested and is not wasting my time. We shall see...
Three old men were talking about the best thing that could happen to them at this point in their lives.
The 80 year old said, "The best thing that could happen to me would be a good pee. I
just stand there and it dribbles and hurts, and I have to go over and over again."
The 85 year old said, "The best thing could happen to me would be a good bowel
movement. I take every kind of laxative I can get my hands on, and it's still a problem."
The 90 year old man said, "Heck, every morning at 6:00 a.m. sharp I have a good pee, and
at 6:30 a.m. sharp I have a good bowel movement. I suppose the best thing that could happen to me would be waking up before 7:00 a.m."
"Due to an explosive interview in Rolling Stone magazine, our top commander in Afghanistan, Gen. Stanley McChrystal, has been ordered home to explain why he criticized the president, made fun of Joe Biden, and called the White House staff a bunch of clowns. He should be called home. That's not the general's job. That is my job." –Jay Leno
"Oh, and how stupid is this. You know, this state is so broke, they're just trying to make money any way they can. California lawmakers — this is real — are now considering a bill to allow electronic license plate frames on vehicles that will flash digital commercials. Who is this for? People who want something else to read while driving and texting?" –Jay Leno
He marched straight up to the counter and said " You know I just hate drawin welfare. I'd really rather have a job."
The social worker behind the counter said, "Your timing is excellent. We just got a job opening from a very wealthy old man who wants a chauffeur and bodyguard for his beautiful daughter. You'll have to drive her around in his Mercedes, he'll supply all of your cloths. Because the hours are long, meals will be provided. You'll be expected to escort the daughter on her overseas trips and you have to satisfy all of her sexual urges. You'll be provided with a 2 bedroom apartment above the garage. Starting salary is $200,000 a year."
The guy wide-eyed, said,"Your bullshittin' me!"
The social worker replied,"You started it."