Interesting that a company that forces a bankrupt because they can't pay union wages or retirement pensions has enough capital to develop a robot for NASA. I am speaking of General Motors, of course. This is the same company that the gubmint bailed out (because they were too big to fail). This is also the same company that promoted (with hype) their new solution to the world's problems, the overpriced Volt. Too bad that that capital didn't go to making it so that it could sell for less than $40K plus. Why would NASA go to GM for a robot, anyway ????
Looks like Continental Airlines is taking advantage of an opportunity, unfortunately the wrong way. They have decided (in immeasurable wisdom) that they will no longer give out free pretzels in their flights, because it will align Continental with its competitors. So I thought (stupid, stupid me) that any company would want to stand out from their competition to cause people to want to pick them OVER the competition. This was their GOLDEN opportunity to offer MORE than their competitors and SCORE for it.
Here is a 'Made in America' Resource Guide: Where to Find American Companies [reprinted from ABC News]
Launched on July 4, 2010, USAonly lists companies that make their products here in the United States. With emphasis on smaller, mom-and-pop companies, the website currently features 320 companies. The website is interactive and keeps track of how many employed Americans are represented by the companies listed.
Headquartered in Bridgeport, Mich., Inc. sells more than 9,000 products made, manufactured or assembled in America. sells products made in the U.S.A. The website is based in Houston.
This website is a searchable directory of goods made in the United States, with categories ranging from "Air Cleaners" to "Vitamins."
Nearly 2,300 products made in the United States are available for purchase on
StillMadeInUSA is a directory of American-made products. Click on a category and you'll be directed to links to companies across the country manufacturing in the United States. Each link includes a description of the company and lets you know where it's located.
The website is a product search engine and database for those looking for products made in the United States. has a database with nearly 3,000 products that are made in the United States, listed by manufacturer. Only the listed products are made in America. The manufacturer also may sell products made outside of the United States.
The Made in the USA Foundation is a not-for-profit organization that promotes products manufactured and assembled in America. Clicking on "Shop USA" brings you to a category list where you can access links to companies' websites.
Links to companies selling products made in the USA.
Looking to teach your children to buy American from an early age? ToysMadeInAmerica links to over 150 toy manufacturers making their toys here in the USA.
Wouldn't be absolutely wonderful (and PATRIOTIC) to make a conscious effort to TRY to buy American made ?
A little boy was doing his math homework.
He said to himself, "Two plus five, that son of a bitch is seven.
Three plus six, that son of a bitch is nine...."
His mother heard what he was saying and asked, "What are you doing?"
The little boy answered, "I'm doing my math homework, Mom."
"And this is how your teacher taught you to do it?" the mother asked.
"Yes," he answered.
Infuriated, the mother asked the teacher the next day, "What are you teaching my son in math?"
The teacher replied, "Right now, we are learning addition."
The mother asked, "And are you teaching them to say two plus two, that son of a bitch is four?"
After the teacher stopped laughing, she answered, "What I taught them was, two plus two, THE SUM OF WHICH, is four."
PRESBYTERIAN: When you rearrange the letters: BEST IN PRAYER
ASTRONOMER: When you rearrange the letters: MOON STARER
DESPERATION: When you rearrange the letters: A ROPE ENDS IT
THE EYES: When you rearrange the letters: THEY SEE
GEORGE BUSH: When you rearrange the letters: HE BUGS GORE
THE MORSE CODE: When you rearrange the letters: HERE COME DOTS
DORMITORY: When you rearrange the letters: DIRTY ROOM
SLOT MACHINES: When you rearrange the letters: CASH LOST IN ME
ANIMOSITY: When you rearrange the letters: IS NO AMITY
ELECTION RESULTS: When you rearrange the letters: LIES - LET'S RECOUNT
SNOOZE ALARMS: When you rearrange the letters: ALAS! NO MORE Z 'S
A DECIMAL POINT: When you rearrange the letters: I'M A DOT IN PLACE
THE EARTHQUAKES: When you rearrange the letters: THAT QUEER SHAKE
ELEVEN PLUS TWO: When you rearrange the letters: TWELVE PLUS ONE
MOTHER-IN-LAW: When you rearrange the letters: WOMAN HITLER
Bet your friends haven't seen this one!!!
AS PROMISED: "The lighter side..." and free erudite opinions (and whines and gripes, that may not be politically correct), hyperboles and advice (on current events as well as topics for the digerati), and even some temporary(?) insanities too (daily risibility exercises)!... And the Picture-Of-The-Week:
My Statement
"Let me emphatically say that I am not anti-Facebook (Fleecebook), anti-smart phone, anti-Microsoft, anti-Apple, anti-Google or anti-Internet. I do believe, though, that the consumer is being ripped off of his privacy, identity and purchase history. We are being herded into a Facebook corner where what we "Like" and where we go physically and on the net will be scrutinized and sold numerous times to actually corrode and erode our culture while tempting us only with convenience, high tech and flashing video screens. The unsuspecting consumers need to be aware..." - Gary Lapman
Quote of Note
“If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.”-W.C. Fields
"For the strength of the Wolf is in the Pack, and the strength of the Pack is in the Wolf." - Rudyard Kipling
"For the strength of the Wolf is in the Pack, and the strength of the Pack is in the Wolf." - Rudyard Kipling
“Fame is vapor, popularity an accident, riches take wing, but only character endures.” - Matthew McConaughey
"In order to keep a true perspective of one's importance, everyone should have a dog that will worship him and a cat that will ignore him"
"Sometimes the road less traveled is less traveled for a reason" - Jerry Seinfeld
"Fleecebook is free, you (and your identity) is the product!" - Gary Lapman
"Christmas is a necessity. There has to be at least one day of the year to remind us that we're here for something else besides ourselves." - Eric Sevareid
"'Smart' phones are only smart for the cell phone providers!" - Gary Lapman
"On two occasions, I have been asked [by members of Parliament], 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?' I am not able to rightly apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question." -- Charles Babbage (1791-1871)
“Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. THAT'S relativity.” -Albert Einstein
"Technology creates the illusion of companionship without the intimacy of friendship." - unknown
"No worry, there's an app for that..." - Gary Lapman
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