I should say that I am not surprised that ethics breaches are being found in congress. What will be very interesting is to see all of those guilty members convert the unlucky ones that got caught into scapegoats. They must think that the public is stupid enough to believe that only the guilty ones will be punished. Many will get away with their poor choices. I hope that those that got caught will drag a few more of their buddies down with them. We need a good house (of representatives) cleaning and senatorial flushing. These guys get too comfortable in their lofty position and they forget who they work for.
I see that the fruit flies have returned to Southern California. Perhaps they heard that Jerry Brown is running for Governor! Maybe they are taking over for the swallows...
An Indian (or to use the currently politically correct term - a
Casino Owning American) walks into a cafe with a shotgun in one
hand and a bucket of buffalo manure in the other.
He says to the waiter, "Me want coffee."
The waiter says, "Sure, Chief, coming right up."
He gets the Indian a tall mug of coffee, and the Indian drinks it
down in one gulp, picks up the bucket, throws the manure into the
air, blasts it with the shotgun, and then walks out.
Four days later the Indian returns. He has his shotgun in one
hand and another bucket of manure in the other. He walks up to
the counter and says to the waiter, "Me want coffee."
The waiter says, "Whoa, Tonto, we're still cleaning up from the
last time you were in here. What the heck was that all about
The Indian says, "Me in training for Executive Management job.
Drink coffee, shoot the shit, and disappear for a few days."
New word meanings:
Bozone (n.):
The substance surrounding a stupid person that stops bright ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future.
Foreploy (v):
Any misrepresentation about yourself for the purpose of getting laid
Glibido (v):
All talk and no action.
Beelzebug (n.):
Satan in the form of a mosquito that gets into your bedroom at three in the morning and cannot be cast out.
Dopeler effect (n):
The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.
Sent to the welfare office
I am very much annoyed to find that you have branded my son illiterate. This is a dirty lie as I was married a week before he was born Blind Man's Dog
A blind man was waiting to cross the road when his guide dog peed on his leg. He reached into his pocket and took out a biscuit for the dog. A passerby who'd seen everything remarked, "That's very tolerant of you after what he just did."
"Not really," came the reply. "I'm just finding out where his mouth is, so I can kick him in the ass."
Bizzaro Comic Strip Easter Egg - This Is Odd
First, get about any Bizarro comic. Then, look for 1 of the following items (watch out, they are problably hidden):
1. An eyeball
2. A rabbit face
3. A crown, most likely with some writing below it.
4. A spaceship
5. A slice of pie
6. A k with a 2 beside it
The reason that he the artist put them in there is just to prove how very strange the comic is.
P.S. Sometimes, a few of the items are not there. this is problably just because he couldn't fit them in.
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