
Waaaaaaaay too many to count...

My Statement

"Let me emphatically say that I am not anti-Facebook (Fleecebook), anti-smart phone, anti-Microsoft, anti-Apple, anti-Google or anti-Internet. I do believe, though, that the consumer is being ripped off of his privacy, identity and purchase history. We are being herded into a Facebook corner where what we "Like" and where we go physically and on the net will be scrutinized and sold numerous times to actually corrode and erode our culture while tempting us only with convenience, high tech and flashing video screens. The unsuspecting consumers need to be aware..." - Gary Lapman

Quote of Note

“If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.”-W.C. Fields

"For the strength of the Wolf is in the Pack, and the strength of the Pack is in the Wolf." - Rudyard Kipling

"Common sense is not so common. " -Voltaire

“Fame is vapor, popularity an accident, riches take wing, but only character endures.” - Matthew McConaughey

"In order to keep a true perspective of one's importance, everyone should have a dog that will worship him and a cat that will ignore him"

"Sometimes the road less traveled is less traveled for a reason" - Jerry Seinfeld

"Fleecebook is free, you (and your identity) is the product!" - Gary Lapman

"Christmas is a necessity. There has to be at least one day of the year to remind us that we're here for something else besides ourselves." - Eric Sevareid

"'Smart' phones are only smart for the cell phone providers!" - Gary Lapman

"On two occasions, I have been asked [by members of Parliament], 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?' I am not able to rightly apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question." -- Charles Babbage (1791-1871)

“Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. THAT'S relativity.” -Albert Einstein

"Technology creates the illusion of companionship without the intimacy of friendship." - unknown

"No worry, there's an app for that..." - Gary Lapman

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Flip FLop Day

That story about the alleged Russian spies that were arrested is pretty amazing.  Makes you kind of wonder who around you, or people that you know, that might be spies or assassins!  Seems to me, considering how many Asians we have in this country, that China would not have any problem having an embedded spy ring, that is, if they really want to know any of OUR secrets.

FLASH: Even with all the studies, we haven't been able to prove any linkage of cell phone radiation to human maladies.  Now there are scientists that believe cell phone radiation may explain the decline of the bees (see Bees vs Cell Phones).  I guess we should expect that adding all that extra radio frequency radiation to the world would have some effect somewhere.

Ever considered living in a car-free community ?  A town in Morocco does not allow cars.  Hear is a funny piece on how to buy a donkey there (Fez Medina Used Donkey Lot).  Do you get to kick the legs ? Probably not, but you'd better look in his mouth before buying!

ANOTHER FLASH: Dr. Demento is leaving radio after more than 40 years.  Read all about it..DEMENTO

So I find myself with a block of free time while I'm waiting for testing to complete.  I just read that Clinton is suggesting that we blow up the BP well and dump large quantities of rocks and sand over the hole.  I think I suggested that on the first week, but what do you do if it still leaks ?  If your well head is a mile down, that means that there is a mile of water above it.  I don't know what that weighs, but the pressure at the bottom is horrendous.  The oil in this well is 40% methane (rather than the normal 2%).  That gas pressure behind the oil is way high to be spewing at the amount that ti is.  It has to overcome the pressure to even emerge.  It is howling out that hole, which means there is way more pressure behind the oil than the pressure of a mile of water on top of it.  Plugging it is not a menial task, as was drilling it in the first place.

So I had a meeting at 9:30 and we discussed our direction for an hour and a half.  I left for lunch at 11:30 and when I returned an hour later, there was a n email telling me that all has changed.  Now at 4:00, it appears as though the powers that be are in the process of changing their mind again!  So is life....today.

Good friends

Bob and Dave are walking along downtown when a mugger assaults them with a gun and announces, "This is a stick-up.  Get into that alley and then give me all your money."
As they're walking down the alley Bob fishes out his wallet and removes a few of the bills.  He hands them to Dave and whispers, "Here you go, man."
Dave takes the money and looks at Bob with a puzzled expression, so Bob explains, "Don't you remember?  That's the hundred bucks I owed you."

A new restaurant in town, Mom’s Home Cooking Experience, strives to recreate the dining experience you remember from your childhood.
As soon as you step inside, a matronly, apron-clad hostess steps forward, asks you to wipe your feet and says “Why are you so late for dinner? You’d forget your head if it wasn’t attached!” Then she seats you at a table—in the kitchen, where you speak loudly to be heard over the din of clanking utensils.
The menu: you get a choice of tonight’s selection—liver and onions—or leftovers from last night. In spite of a limited menu and unusual atmosphere, it is difficult to fault the food. It is, quite frankly, delicious. And there’s plenty of it.
Be ready to eat a lot, since you’re not allowed to leave the table till you’ve cleaned your plate, including the broccoli, which you get with every order whether you like it or not.
So, you’ve finished your hefty meal. You yawn, stretch a bit, and get up to leave, but before you can reach the door, you’re handed a dishrag. No one leaves till the dishes are done. You wash while the others in your party dry or put the dishes away.
The bill arrives. Your choices: MasterCard, Visa, or you can mow the lawn.

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